





  • 个人简介
  • 教育及工作经历
  • 学术成果
  • 荣誉奖励和兼职


 陈徐宗,原北京大学电子学院二级教授,博士生导师,北京大学空间超冷原子物理实验室主任、先进技术研究院新型原子钟中心主任、中国载人航天工程超冷原子物理柜项目首席科学家、英国物理学会Fellow、美国物理学会著名杂志《Quantum Science》副主编。于2000年起,曾任北京大学信息科学技术学院副院长,量子电子学研究所所长、中国物理学会原子分子专业委员会、量子光学专业委员会等委员、中国物理学会饶毓泰评奖委员会委员、中国基金委数理学部、信息学部评委、中国计量测试学会理事、中国计量测试学会理事时间频率专业委员会副主任委员以及英国物理学会期刊《Measurement of Science and Technology》编委等多种杂志编委。曾获得过:中国科学院科技进步一等奖,北京市教学成果奖,北京市高校名师奖、国务院特殊津贴。主要从事空间站冷原子物理研究、高精度铯原子钟、超冷原子量子模拟等研究。陈徐宗在《Physical Review Letters》、《Physical Review》、《Optics Letters》等国内外重要期刊上发表论文200多篇。





 从2011年起,陈徐宗开始申请中国载人航天项目:“空间站超冷原子物理实验系统”,该项目于2015年正式立项,陈徐宗作为首席科学家负责梦天舱超冷原子实验柜,使北京大学成为高校唯一担任空间站14个实验柜的首席科学家单位,梦天舱超冷原子实验柜的首要任务是获得低于地面极限温度的玻色凝聚体,为后续系列科学实验提供新的极低温样品。陈徐宗提出了国际上第一个空间全光阱加两级冷却技术方案,目标是获得宇宙中最低温度。陈徐宗团队设计的超冷原子柜于2022年10月随梦天舱发射,目前已经获得低于地面温度的极低温(10pK)原子气体,并获得了高凝聚比的玻色简并气体,研究成果打破了人类最低温度记录。从2013年起,陈徐宗团队在国际上提出了量子冷却的方案 (Noordwijk, Netherlands 22–23 May, 2013),http://sci.eas.int/ste-quest-ws,并完成了两级冷却的技术设计J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.46 195302 (2013),与国外提出的脉冲冲击冷却方案进行了比较Optics Communications 359,123(2016),在地面原理样机上验证了两级冷却的可行性Rev. Sci. Inst. 89, 123110 (2018),2020年,国际著名期刊《Reports on Progress in Physics 》邀请陈徐宗撰写了关于在空间冷却原子技术的综述Rep. Prog. Phys. 83, 076401(2020),2022年在梦天舱冷原子柜初样机上进一步验证两级冷却的正确性J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55 205301(2022),并给出了在中国空间站进行冷却的基本物理原理分析Front. Phys. 10, 971059(2022)。目前在轨实验结果正在处理中,不久将在顶级刊物上发表。


 为了研制中国XXX系统的地面原子钟,国家成立了三支研制铯原子钟的队伍,陈徐宗作为中国三个研制团队之一的负责人,从2007年至2018年,三次承担XXX部的铯原子钟重点预研项目,负责光抽运铯原子钟的研究,2018年陈徐宗团队的光抽运铯原子钟指标已经达到商用铯原子钟最好的指标,于2018年至今,陈徐宗带领北京大学团队继续研究,目前指标已经超过国际商用最高水平的HP5071A铯原子钟稳定度的5倍。在这十五年的研究历程中,陈徐宗团队主要建立了光抽运铯原子钟光与原子相互作用和稳定度关系的理论《计量学报》36(6A),108-111(2015),找出了抽运铯原子钟的理论极限,在此基础上分析了各种参数对原子钟短期稳定和长期稳定度的影响,在理论上指导各种参数的控制,以其提高稳定。在技术上主要突破是:(1)激光频率的长期和短期稳定度的提升Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91, 074705 (2020); (2)微波稳定性的提升Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91, 094708 (2020);(3)解决拉比牵引对稳定性的影响IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 49974-49979, 2021(4)铯原子钟整体稳定性提升:Appl. Opt. 60, 10761-10765 (2021),通过理论和技术的一系列的突破,最后使得光抽运铯原子钟的稳定度超过磁选态铯原子钟,使得陈徐宗团队的铯原子钟指标处于国际领先地位。


 冷原子量子模拟是原子物理的活跃研究领域,陈徐宗团队于2004年在国内获得了高质量的铷原子玻色凝聚体,在此基础上获得了一些列的突破,2005年获得中国第一个原子激光,创造性地提出利用马跃让那原理得到了多自旋分量原子激光,结果发表在2006年的《Physical Review A》杂志上,成为我国在国际刊物上发表最早的玻色凝聚实验论文,Phys.Rev.A,73, 013624 (2006),Phys. Rev. A, 77, 43622(2008)。2008年获得中国第一个一维光晶格,2014年获得中国第一个三维光晶格,此后取得了量子模拟一系列成果,在国际上产生了重要的影响。以下从三个方向介绍研究成果:

 (1) 玻色凝聚超辐射系列实验:

 自2006年起,陈徐宗团队设计了一系列实验,研究脉冲光与玻色爱因斯坦凝聚相互作用,在双频泵浦玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚超辐射Phys. Rev. A, 78, 043611(2008),光子与冷原子纠缠, Phys. Rev. A 78, 052107(2008),玻色爱因斯坦凝聚一维驻波场超辐射 Phys. Rev. A 79, 033605(2009), 玻色凝聚高动量模式超辐射Phys. Rev. A 80, 063608(2009),玻色凝聚红蓝失谐反对称超辐射Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 220404 (2010),物质波光栅相位操控超辐射Phys. Rev. A 81, 013615 (2010). 玻色凝聚超辐射的模式竞争Phys. Rev. A 83 053603 (2011),玻色凝聚中入射激光角度对超辐射的操控Phys. Rev. A 83, 033620 (2011),合作散射测量一维光晶格玻色凝聚的特性Phys. Rev. A 83, 051608(R) (2011),物质波散射中衍射相位的观测Phys. Rev. A Vol. 88, No. 1 ,013603 (2013 )

 (2) 一维激光驻波场中的玻色凝聚的操控:

 自2008年获得一维光晶格后,开展了一维光晶格一系列实验:一维光晶格中玻色凝聚体的多能带激发Phys. Rev. A 83, 063604 (2011),光晶格快速非绝热装载Phys. Rev. A 83, 063402 (2011). 一维脉冲激光对玻色凝聚动量态的操控Phys. Rev. A 84, 043616 (2011),光晶格玻色凝聚中的交错操作Physical Review A, 86(5): 053622(1-5) (2012),光学晶格中有效交错磁场中的自旋模型Physical Review A, 87, 043625 (2013),玻色凝聚动量滤波冷却New Journal of Physics 15, 063025 (2013),光晶格P带非线性动力学演化Phys. Rev. A 92, 043614 (2015),光晶格F和D带量子动力学振荡观察Physical Review A 94, 033624 (2016),具有P带玻色子的动态滑动相超流体的观测Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 253301 (2018),具有旋量玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体的平行多分量干涉仪Phys. Rev. A, Volume 100, Issue 1, 013618 (2019),跨维三角晶格中的有限温度相变New Jou. of Phys., 21, 073015 (2019)。

 (3) 基于玻色爱因斯坦凝聚光晶格量子模拟

 在2014年获得三维光晶格后,开展了一系列量子模拟实验:玻色凝聚光晶格的光学Talbot原子密度光栅Phys. Rev. A 95, 033821(2017),用量子坍缩和复活动力学观测光学晶格中原子数的涨落Phys. Rev. A ,99, 013602 (2019),一维气体牛顿摆的可积效应与纬度交叉弛豫SciPost Phys. 9, 058 (2020),光学晶格中一维横向伊辛模型的精确模拟Phys. Rev. A, 103, 043312 (2021),六角sp2光学晶格中Potts向列超流体的证据Phy. Rev. Lett. 126, 035301 (2021),基于Kibble-Zurek机制光晶格玻色凝聚多体量子相变的观测Phy. Rev. Lett. 127, 200601 (2021),具有成对原子的莫特绝缘体的精确量子伊辛模型的模拟, Phys. Rev. A 106, 053308 (2022),多体相变中量子临界动力学的维度交叉Physical Review Reaserch 5, 013136 (2023),用Loschmidt累积量法测定玻色子系统的动态量子相变Phys. Rev. A 109, 013309 (2024)。关于三维晃动光晶格的高绕数拓扑能态的论文正在投稿中。





2000年1月-至今, 北京大学电子学系教授;
2005年9月-2019年12月, 北京大学量子电子学研究所所长;
2015年1月-2023年12月, 中国载人航天工程超冷原子物理柜项目首席科学家,北京大学空间超冷原子物理实验室主任;


List of selected publications


1. Xiao-long Yuan, Jiachen Yu, Hui Li, Biao Wu, WeiXiong, Xiaoji Zhou, and Xuzong Chen. “Dynamic equation for evaporative cooling of trapped atoms in microgravity”. Physical Review A, 109: 1-6( 2024)

2. PengjuZhao,JingxinSun,ShengjieJin,ZhongshuHu,DingpingLi,Xiong-JunLiu,Jörg Schmiedmayer,and Xuzong Chen, ”Determination of dynamical quantum phase transitions for boson systems using the Loschmidt cumulants method”, Physical Review A, 109, 013309 (2024)


3. Qinpei Zheng , Yuqing Wang , Libo Liang, Qi Huang, Shuai Wang , Wei Xiong, Xiaoji Zhou, ,Wenlan Chen , Xuzong Chen, and Jiazhong Hu,“Dimensional crossover of quantum critical dynamics in many-body phase transitions”, Physical Review Reaserch 5, 013136 (2023),

4. Libo Liang, Yuqing Wang, Qi Huang , Qinpei Zheng, Xuzng Chen, Jiazhong Hu,“Probing quantum phase transition point by tuning an external anti trap”, Optics Express ,Vol. 31, No. 10/8 May 2023/16743

5. Peng Zhang, Pengju Tang, Ruizhi Pan, Xuzong Chen, Xiaoji Zhou, Shougang Zhang,“Optomechanics and quantum phase of the Bose-Einstein condensate with the cavity mediated spin-orbit coupling”, Optics Express,Vol. 31, No. 5/27 Feb 2023/ 8240

6. Jingxin Sun, Ren Liao, Pengju Zhao, Zhongshu Hu, Zhongkai Wang, Xiong-Jun Liu, Xiaoji Zhou and Xuzong Chen, “A quantitative study of the micromotion of a P-band superfluid in a shaking lattice”, Journal of Physics B,56(9): 095302(2023)

7. Lin Li , Wei Xiong , Bin Wang , Tang Li , Yu Xie , Angang Liang , Mingshan Huang , Xiaolong Yuan, Yuanyuan Liu, Jingwei Ji, Min Gao, Minjie Huang, Cuiyun Zhou, Tieqiang Song, Xingping Xu, Zhaogang Liang, Su Fang, Dijun Chen, Xia Hou, Xiaoji Zhou, Xuzong Chen , Weibiao Chen, and Liang Liu, “The Design, Realization, and Validation of the Scheme for Quantum Degenerate Research in Microgravity”, IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol. 15, No. 3, June, 7100508(2023)

8. Lin Li, Cuiyun Zhou, Wei Xiong, Minjie Huang, Su Fang, Xingping Xu, Jingwei Ji, Min Gao, Tieqiang Song, Yi Hong, Zhaogang Liang, Dijun Chen, Xia Hou, Xiaoji Zhou, Xuzong Chen, Weibiao Chen, Bin Wang, Tang Li, and Liang Liu , “All-fiber laser system for all-optical 87 Rb Bose Einstein condensate to space application”,Applied Optics, Vol. 62, No. 29 ,10 October,pp7844-7851(2023)


9. Libo Liang, Wei Zheng, Ruixiao Yao, Qinpei Zheng, Zhiyuan Yao, Tian-Gang Zhou, Qi Huang, Zhongchi Zhang, Jilai Ye, Xiaoji Zhou, Xuzong Chen, Wenlan Chen, Hui Zhai, Jiazhong Hu,“Probing quantum many-body correlations by universal ramping dynamics”, Science Bulletin, (2022), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2022.12.005.

10. Ren Liao, Jingxin Sun , Pengju Zhao , Shifeng Yang , Hui Li, Xinyi Huang , Wei Xiong, Xiaoji Zhou, Dingping Li , Xiongjun Liu , and Xuzong Chen,“Simulation of exact quantum Ising models with a Mott insulator of paired atoms”, Physical Review A 106, 053308 (2022). (IF:2.971)

11. Xinxin Guo, Zhongcheng Yu, Fansu Wei, Shengjie Jin, Xuzong Chen, Xiaopeng Li,Xibo Zhang,Xiaoji Zhou,“Quantum precision measurement of two-dimensional forces with 10^(-28) Newton stability”, Science Bulletin 67, 2291(2022). (IF:20.577)。

12. Xiangyu Dong, Chengyang Wu, Zhongcheng Yu, Jinyuan Tian, Zhongkai Wang, Xuzong Chen, Shengjie Jin, Xiaoji Zhou,“Atomic Ramsey interferometry with S- and D-band in a triangular optical lattice”,Optics Express 30, 41437(2022). (IF:3.833)

13. H. Li, J. Yu, X. Yuan, B. Wu, Y. Xie, L. Li, A. Liang, M. Huang, S. Jin, W. Xiong, B.Wang, D. Chen, T. Li, X. Hou, L. Liu, X. J. Zhou, W. B. Chen and X. Z. Chen, “Deep cooling scheme of quantum degenerate gas and ground experimental verification for Chinese space station”, Front. Phys. 10, 971059(2022). (IF:5.142)

14. Shengjie Jin, Xuzong Chen and Xiaoji Zhou, “The manipulation of ultracold atoms of high orbitals in optical lattices”, Front. Phys. 10, 957151(2022). (IF:5.142)

15. Weibin Xie, Qing Wang, Xuan He, Shengwei Fang, Zhichao Yuan, Xianghui Qi, and Xuzong Chen,“A cold cesium beam source based on a two dimensional magneto-optical trap”,AIP Advances 12, 075124 (2022);


16. Yu Xie,Bo Fan, Hui Li, Angang Liang, Mingshan Huang, Biao Wu, Bin Wang, Xuzong Chen,and Liang Liu,“Ground experiment verification and on-orbit prediction of the two-stage cooling at pK level in the Chinese space station”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.(2022)55 205301


17. Qi Huang, Ruixiao Yao, Libo Liang, Shuai Wang, Qinpei Zheng, Dingping Li, Wei Xiong, Xiaoji Zhou, Wenlan Chen, Xuzong Chen, and Jiazhong Hu,“Observation of many-body quantum phase transitions beyond the Kibble-Zurek Mechanism”, Physical Review Letters 127, 200601 (2021)

18. Frederik Møller , Chen Li ,Igor Mazets ,Hans-Peter Stimming,Tianwei Zhou ,Zijie Zhu, Xuzong Chen ,and Jörg Schmiedmayer, “Extension of the Generalized Hydrodynamics to the Dimensional Crossover Regime”, Physical Review Letters 126, 090602 (2021),

19. Shengjie Jin, Wenjun Zhang ,Xinxin Guo, Xuzong Chen, Xiaoji Zhou, and Xiaopeng Li,“Evidence of Potts-Nematic Superfluidity in a Hexagonal sp2 Optical Lattice”, Physical Review Letters 126, 035301 (2021)

20. Ren Liao ,Fangyu Xiong,and Xuzong Chen,“Simulating an exact one-dimensional transverse Ising model in an optical lattice”, Physical Review A, 103, 043312 (2021)

21. Fan, Bo, Luheng Zhao, Yin Zhang, Jingxin Sun, Wei Xiong, Jinqiang Chen, and Xuzong Chen. "Numerical study of evaporative cooling in the space station." Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 54, No. 1 (2020): 015302.

22. Xuan He, Qing Wang, Zhichao Yuan, Xianghui Qi, and Xuzong Chen,“Observation of a Hole in the Laser-Induced Cesium Beam Spectrum”,IEEE Access, Vol. 9 (2021), 49974

23. Xuan He, Shengwei Fang, Zhichao Yuan, Weibin Xie, Nan Chen, Zezheng Xiong, Qing Wang, Xianghui Qi, and Xuzong Chen,"Compact optically pumped cesium beam atomic clock with a 5-day frequency stability of 7×10−15," Appl. Opt. 60, 10761-10765 (2021) Editors’ Pick

24. X. He, Q. Wang, Z. Yuan, X.H. Qi and X.Z. Chen, "Observation of a Hole in the Laser-Induced Cesium Beam Spectrum," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 49974-49979, (2021).

25. Feng Liu, Zhenhao Fan, Zhipeng Sun, Xuzong Chen, Dingping Li,“Field theoretical approach to spin models”, Front. Phys.16(6), 63504 (2021)


26. Xuzong Chen and Bo Fan,“The emergence of picokelvin physics”,Rep. Prog. Phys. 83, 076401 (31pp) ,(2020)

27. Chen Li, Tianwei Zhou, Igor Mazets, Hans-Peter Stimming, Frederik S. Møller, Zijie Zhu, Yueyang Zhai, Wei Xiong, Xiaoji Zhou, Xuzong Chen and Jörg Schmiedmayer,“Relaxation of bosons in one dimension and the onset of dimensional crossover”,SciPost Phys. 9, 058 (2020),

28. Weibin Xie , Qing Wang , Xuan He, Nan Chen, Zezheng Xiong, Shengwei Fang, Xianghui Qi, and Xuzong Chen,“Frequency instability of a miniature optically pumped cesium-beam atomic frequency standard”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91, 074705 (2020);

29. Weibin Xie , Qing Wang , Xuan He, Zezheng Xiong, Nan Chen, Shengwei Fang, Xianghui Qi, and Xuzong Chen,“A linewidth locking method to control the microwave power in optically pumped cesium-beam clocks”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91, 094708 (2020);

30. Yousef Abou El-Neaj1, Cristiano Alpigiani2, Sana Amairi-Pyka3, Henrique Araújo4, Antun Balaž5, Angelo Bassi6, Lars Bathe-Peters7, Baptiste Battelier8, Aleksandar Beli´c5, Elliot Bentine9, José Bernabeu10, Andrea Bertoldi8†, Robert Bingham11,12, Diego Blas13, Vasiliki Bolpasi14, Kai Bongs15†, Sougato Bose16, Philippe Bouyer8†, Themis Bowcock17, William Bowden18, Oliver Buchmueller4*† , Clare Burrage19, Xavier Calmet20, Benjamin Canuel8†, Laurentiu-Ioan Caramete21†, Andrew Carroll17, Giancarlo Cella22, Vassilis Charmandaris23, Swapan Chattopadhyay, Xuzong Chen26, et.al, “AEDGE: Atomic Experiment for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration in Space”, EPJ Quantum Technology, 7:6, (2020)


31. P. Tang, X. Dong, W. Zhang, Y. Li, X.Z. Chen, X. J. Zhou. “Implementation of a double-path multimode interferometer using a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate”, Phys. Rev. A 101, 013612 (2020).

32. T. Zhou, Z. Yu, Z. Li, X. Z.Chen, X. J. Zhou, “Simulation of a nodal-line semimetal in amplitude-shaken optical lattices”, Phys. Rev. A 102, 023328 (2020).


33. Observation of atom-number fluctuations in optical lattices via quantum collapse and revival dynamics, Tianwei Zhou, Kaixiang Yang, Zijie Zhu, Xudong Yu, Shifeng Yang, Wei Xiong, Xiaoji Zhou, and Xuzong Chen, Phys. Rev. A ,99, 013602 (2019)

34. Finite temperature phase transition in a cross-dimensional triangular lattice, Shengjie Jin, Xinxin Guo, Peng Peng, Xuzong Chen, Xiaopeng Li and Xiaoji Zhou, New Jou. of Phys., 21, 073015 (2019)

35. Parallel multicomponent interferometer with a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate, Pengju Tang, Peng Peng, Zhihan Li, Xuzong Chen, Xiaopeng Li, and Xiaoji Zhou, Phys. Rev. A, Volume 100, Issue 1, 013618 (2019)

36. Extraction and identification of noise patterns for ultracold atoms in an optical lattice, Shuyang Cao, Pengju Tang, Xinxin Guo, Xuzong Chen, Wei Zhang, and Xiaoji Zhou, Opt. Express, Volume 27, Issue 9, 12710-12722,(2019)

37. 5. Asymmetric population of momentum distribution by quasi-periodically driving a triangular optical lattice, Xinxin Guo, Wenjun Zhang, Zhihan Li, Hongmian Shui, Xuzong Chen, and Xiaoji Zhou, Opt. Express., Volume 27, Issue 20, 27786-27796, (2019)

38. SAGE: A proposal for a space atomic gravity explorer,Guglielmo M. Tino1;a, Angelo Bassi, Giuseppe Bianco, Kai Bongs, Philippe Bouyer, Luigi Cacciapuoti, Salvatore Capozziello,Xuzong Chen, Maria L. Chiofalo, Andrei Derevianko, Wolfgang Ertmer, Naceur Gaaloul, Patrick Gill, Peter W. Graham,Jason M. Hogan, Luciano Iess, Mark A. Kasevich, Hidetoshi Katori, Carsten Klempt, Xuanhui Lu, Long-Sheng Ma, Holger Muller, Nathan R. Newbury, Chris W. Oates, Achim Peters, Nicola Poli, Ernst M. Rasel, Gabriele Rosi,Albert Roura, Christophe Salomon, Stephan Schiller, Wolfgang Schleich, Dennis Schlippert, Florian Schreck,Christian Schubert, Fiodor Sorrentino, Uwe Sterr, Jan W. Thomsen, Giuseppe Vallone, Flavio Vetrano, Paolo Villoresi,Wolf von Klitzing, David Wilkowski, Peter Wolf, Jun Ye, Nan Yu, and Mingsheng Zhan, Eur. Phys. J. D, 73: 22, (2019)


39. T. W. Zhou, K. X. Yang, Y. Y. Zhai, X. G. Yue, S. F. Yang, J. G. Xiand, Q. Huang, W. Xiong, X. J. Zhou, X. Z. Chen, High precision calibration of optical lattice depth based on multiple pulses Kapitza-Dirac Diffraction, Opt. Express 26, 016726 (2018).

40. Tian Luan, Yufan Li, Xuesong Zhang, and Xuzong Chen,Realization of two-stage crossed beam cooling and the comparison with Delta-kick cooling in experiment, Review of Scientific Instruments,89, 123110 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5046815

41. Linxiao Niu, Shengjie Jin, Xuzong Chen, Xiaopeng Li, and Xiaoji Zhou,

“Observation of a Dynamical Sliding Phase Superfluid with P-Band Bosons,”

Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 253301 (2018)

42. Linxiao Niu, Xinxin Guo, Yuan Zhan, Xuzong Chen, W. M. Liu, and Xiaoji Zhou, Optimized fringe removal algorithm for absorption images, Applied Physics Letters 113, 144103 (2018).

43. Dong Hu, Linxiao Niu, Shengjie Jin, Xuzong Chen,Guangjiong Dong, Jorg Schmiedmayer, and Xiaoji Zhou,Ramsey interferometry with trapped motional quantum states, Comm. Phys. 1, 29 (2018).

44. Xiaoji Zhou, Shengjie Jin and Jörg Schmiedmayer,Shortcut loading a Bose–Einstein condensate into an optical lattice, New Journal of Physics 20, 055005 (2018).


45. Chen Li, Tianwei Zhou, Yueyang Zhai, Xuguang Yue, Jinggang Xiang, Shifeng Yang, Wei Xiong, and Xuzong Chen,Optical Talbot carpet with atomic density gratings obtained by standing-wave manipulation,Phys. Rev. A 95, (2017) 033821

46. Chen Li, Tianwei Zhou, Yueyang Zhai, Jinggang Xiang, Tian Luan, Qi Huang, Shifeng Yang, Wei Xiong, Xuzong Chen, Deep cooling of optically trapped atoms implemented by magnetic levitation without transverse confinement,Review of Scientific Instruments 88, (2017) 053104,Deep cooling of optically trapped atoms implemented by magnetic levitation without transverse confinement,Review of Scientific Instruments 88, (2017) 053104


47. Zhongkai Wang, Baoguo Yang, Dong Hu, Xuzong Chen, Hongwei Xiong, Biao Wu, and Xiaoji Zhou, Observation of quantum dynamical oscillations of ultracold atoms in the F and D bands of an optical lattice, Physical Review A 94, 033624 (2016) .

48. Linxiao Niu, Pengju Tang, Baoguo Yang, Xuzong Chen, Biao Wu, and Xiaoji Zhou, Observation of Quantum Equilibration in Dilute Bose Gases, Physical Review A 94, 063603 (2016).

59. Hepeng Yao a, Tian Luan a,1, Chen Li a, Yin Zhang a, Zhaoyuan Ma b, Xuzong Chen,Comparison of different techniques in optical trap for generating picokelvin 3D atom cloud in microgravity, Optics Communications 359 (2016) 123–128

50. Wei Xia and Xuzong Chen, Recent developments in fiber-based optical frequency comb and its applications, Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 (2016) 041001 (12pp)

51. Qiuyi Guo, Haodi Liu, Tianji Zhou, Xuzong Chen, and Biao Wu, Nonlinear Landau-Zener tunneling in Majorana's stellar representation, European Physical Journal D 70, 128 (2016).

52. Zhang, Huirong; Chen, Xuzong; Ma, Zhaoyuan; Kagome lattices for ultracold atoms induced by additional lightfields, Journal of Physics B-Atomic molecular and Optical Journal, 49, No.11,: 115301, JUN 14 2016

53. Xia, Wei; Zhang, Yin;Polarization dependence of the direct two photon transitions of Rb-87 atoms by erbium: Fiber laser frequency comb ,Dai, Shaoyang; Optics Communications,378,pp 35-40, NOV. 1, 2016

54. Wei Xia and Xuzong Chen, Recent developments in fiber-based optical frequency comb and its applications, Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 (2016) 041001 (12pp)


55. Qing Wang, Xianghui Qi, Shuyong Liu, Jiachen Yu, and Xuzong Chen, “Laser frequency stabilization using a dispersive line shape induced by Doppler effect,” Opt. Express 23, 2982 (2015)

56. Tian Luan, Hepeng Yao, Lu Wang, Chen Li, Shifeng Yang, Xuzong Chen, and Zhaoyuan Ma, “Two-stage crossed beam cooling with 6Li and 133Cs atoms in microgravity,” Opt. Express 23, 11378 (2015)

57. Dong Hu, Linxiao Niu, Baoguo Yang, Xuzong Chen, Biao Wu, Hongwei Xiong, and Xiaoji Zhou, “Long-time nonlinear dynamical evolution for P-band ultracold atoms in an optical lattice,” Phys. Rev. A 92, 043614 (2015)

58. Linxiao Niu, Dong Hu, Shengjie Jin, Xiangyu Dong, Xuzong Chen, and Xiaoji Zhou, “Excitation of atoms in an optical lattice driven by polychromatic amplitude modulation,” Opt. Express 23, 10065 (2015)

59. WEI XIA,QIANG LIU,HUI HAO,DONGMEI GUO,MING WANG,XUZONG CHEN,”Sinusoidal phase-modulating self-mixinginterferometer with nanometer resolution andimproved measurement velocity range” Applied Optics 54,26 (2015)。


60. Tian Luan, Tianwei Zhou, Xuzong Chen, and Zhaoyuan Ma,A modified Bitter-type electromagnet and control system for cold atom experiments , REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 85, 024701 (2014)

61. Huirong Zhang, Yueyang Zhai1 and Xuzong Chen, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 025301 (5pp)

62. Xuzong Chen,,Wei Xiong,Yueyang Zhai, Xuguang Yue,Biao Wu, and Hongwei Xiong , Xiaoji Zhou, Measurement of Critical correlations in an ultracold Bose gas by means of a temporal Talbot-Lau interferometery, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488 (2014) 012026i

63. Guo, QY (Guo, Qiuyi) ; Chen, XZ (Chen, XuZong); Wu, BA (Wu, Biao),Tunneling dynamics and band structures of three weakly coupled Bose-Einstein condensates , OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 22, No. 16 ,(2014) 119234


64. W. Xiong, Xiaoji Zhou, X.G. Yue, Y.Y. Zhai, Xuzong Chen, A momentum filter for atomic gas,New Journal of Physics 15, 063025 (2013).

65. X.G. Yue , Y.Y. Zhai , Z.K. Wang, H.W. Xiong, Xuzong Chen, Xiaoji Zhou, Observation of diffraction phases in matter-wave scattering, Phys. Rev. A 88, 013603 (2013) .

66. Wei Xiong, Xiaoji Zhou, Xuguang Yue1, Xuzong Chen1, Biao Wu, Hongwei Xiong, Critical correlations in an ultra-cold Bose gas revealed by means of a temporal Talbot–Lau interferometer, Laser Phys. Lett. 10 , 125502(2013).

67. Y. Y. Zhai, X.G. Yue, Yanjiang Wu, Xuzong Chen, Peng Zhang, Xiaoji Zhou, Effective preparation and collisional decay of atomic condensates in excited bands of an optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A 87, 063638 (2013).

68. Z.K. Wang, L.X. Niu, P. Zhang, M.X. Wen, Z.Fang, X.Z. Chen, X.J. Zhou, Asymmetric superradiant scattering and abnormal mode amplification induced by atomic density distortion, Opt. Express 21, 14377 (2013)

69. Yueyang Zhai, Peng Zhang, Xuzong Chen, Guangjiong Dong, Xiaoji Zhou, Phys. Rev. A 88,003600 (2013). Bragg diffraction of a matter wave driven by a pulsed nonuniform magnetic field,

70. Zhen Fang, Baoguo Yang, Xuzong Chen, Xiaoji Zhou, Density operator description of atomic ordered spatial modes in cavity QED, Optics Comm. 306, 83 (2013).

71. Lu Wang, Peng Zhang, Xu-Zong Chen and Zhao-Yuan Ma, Generating a picokelvin ultracold atomic ensemble in microgravity, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.46 195302 (2013).

72. Huirong Zhang, Qiuyi Guo, Zhaoyuan Ma, Xuzong Chen, Spin model in the effective staggered magnetic field in optical lattices,Physical Review A , 87, 043625 (2013).

73. Yue, Xuguang; Zhai, Yueyang; Wang, Zhongkai; Xizoji Zhou, Xuzong Chen, Observation of diffraction phases in matter-wave scattering, PHYSICAL REVIEW A , Vol. 88, No. 1 ,013603 (2013 )


74. Huirong Zhang, Qiuyi Guo, Zhaoyuan Ma, Xuzong Chen. Staggered manipulation of ultracold atoms in optical lattices. Physical Review A, 2012, 86(5): 053622(1-5)

75. Wei Xiong, Yin Zhang, Zhaoyuan Ma, and Xuzong Chen ,Estimating optical lattice alignment by RF spectroscopy, Chinese Optical Letters, 10 (9), 090201(2012)


76. Wei Xiong,Yue, Zhongkai Wang, Xiaoji Zhou and Xuzong Chen, Manipulating the momentum state of a condensate by sequences of standing-wave pulses, Phys. Rev. A 84, 043616 (2011)

77. Xinxing Liu, Xiaoji Zhou,Wei Xiong, Thibault Vogt, and Xuzong Chen, Rapid nonadiabatic loading in an optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A 83, 063402 (2011).

78. Bo Lu, Thibault Vogt, Xinxing Liu, Xu Xu, Xiaoji Zhou, and Xuzong Chen, Cooperative scattering measurement of coherence in a spatially modulated Bose gas, Phys. Rev. A 83, 051608(R) (2011).

79. Xinxing Liu, Xiaoji Zhou, Wei Zhang, Thibault Vogt, Bo Lu, Xuguang Yue, and Xuzong Chen, Exploring multiband excitations of interacting Bose gases in a one-dimensional optical lattice by coherent scattering, Phys. Rev. A 83, 063604 (2011).

80. Jun Duan, Xianghui Qi, Xiaoji Zhou, and Xuzong Chen, Detection of saturated

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82. Bo Lu, Xiaoji Zhou, Thibault Vogt, Zhen Fang, and Xuzong Chen, Laser driving of superradiant scattering from a Bose-Einstein condensate at variable incidence angle, Phys. Rev. A 83, 033620 (2011).

83. Thibault Vogt, Bo Lu, XinXing Liu, Xu Xu, Xiaoji Zhou, and Xuzong Che, Mode competition in superradiant scattering of matter waves, Phys. Rev. A 83 053603 (2011)

84. Minimization of the temperature coefficient of resonance frequency shift in the coherent population trapping clock, Ke Deng, Xuozng Chen, Zhong Wang, Opt. Lett. 36,1740(2011)


85. Xiaoji Zhou, Fan Yang, Xuguang Yue, T. Vogt, and Xuzong Chen, Imprinting light phase on matter-wave gratings in superradiance scattering, Phys. Rev. A 81, 013615 (2010).

86. Zhen Fang, Rui Guo, Xiaoji Zhou, and Xuzong Chen, Atomic spatial coherence with spontaneous emission in a strong-coupling cavity, Phys. Rev. A 82, 015601(2010).

87. Muzhi Wu, Xiaoji Zhou, W. M. Liu, and Xuzong Chen, Roughness with a finite correlation length in a microtrap, Phys. Rev. A 81, 033625(2010).

88. Xiaoji Zhou, Xia Xu, Xuzong Chen, and Jingbiao Chen, Magic wavelengths for terahertz clock transitions, Phys. Rev. A 81, 012115 (2010).

89. Xiaoji Zhou, Xu Xu, Lan Yin, W. M. Liu, and Xuzong Chen, Detecting quantum coherence of Bose gases in optical lattices by scattering light intensity in cavity, Optics Express 18, 15664(2010).

90. XU Xu, ZHOU Xiao-Ji, Phase-Dependent Effects in Stern–Gerlach Experiments, Chin. Phys. Lett. 27, 010309 (2010).

91. Tong Zhou, Xianghui Qi, Qing Wang, Wei Xiong, Jun Duan, Xiaoji Zhou, and Xuzong Chen, Frequency-stabilized diode laser at 780 nm with a continuously locked time over 100 h, Chin. Opt. Lett. 8, 496(2010).

92. L. Deng, E.W. Hagley,Qiang Cao, Xiaorui Wang, Xinyu Luo,Ruquan Wang,2 M. G. Payne,Fan Yang,Xiaoji Zhou,Xuzong Chen,and Mingsheng Zhan,Observation of a Red-Blue Detuning Asymmetry in Matter-Wave Superradiance,Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 220404 (2010)

93. Juan Su, Ke Deng, Dengzu Guo, Zhong Wang, Jin Chen, Gengmin Zhang, Xuzong Chen, Stable 85 Rb micro vapor cells: fabrication based on anodic bonding and application in chip scale atomic clocks, Chin. Phy. B,19,110701(2010)


94. Tao Guo, Ke Deng, Xuzong Chen, and Zhong Wang, Atomic clock based on transient coherent population trapping, Applied Physics Letters 94, 151108(2009).

95. Xiaoji Zhou, Jiageng Fu, and Xuzong Chen, High-order momentum modes by resonant superradiant scattering, Phys. Rev. A 80, 063608(2009).

96. Xu Xu, Xiaoji Zhou, and Xuzong Chen, Spectroscopy of superradiant scattering from an array of Bose-Einstein condensates, Phys. Rev. A 79, 033605(2009).

97. Xiang Hui Qi, Wen Lan Chen, Lin Yi, Xiao Ji Zhou and Xu Zong Chen, Modulation Transfer Spectroscopy of Coherent Population Trapping based on phase-coherent lasers, Optics Express 17, 6741(2009).

98. Lin Yi , Xianghui Qi, Wenlan Chen, Jingbiao Chen, Xiaoji Zhou, Xuzong Chen,Enhancing the stabilizing robustness for optical frequency comb, Measurement 42, 711–715(2009).

99. Xiang Hui Qi, Lin Yi, Qian Li Ma, Da Wei Zhou, Xiao Ji Zhou, and Xu Zong Chen, Study of phase coherence degradation induced by a tapered semiconductor amplifier with frequency-modulated continuous-wave and pulsed seed lasers, Applied Optics 48, 4370(2009).

100. Lin Xia, Fan Yang, Xiaoji Zhou, Xuzong Chen, Intensity fluctuations of the F = 2 87Rb pulsed atom laser, Physics Letters A 373, 1429(2009).

101. Ke Deng, Tao Guo, Juan Su, Dengzhu Guo, Xinyuan Liu, Lu Liu, Xuzong Chen, Zhong Wang, Full hyperfine frequency modulation in the implementation of coherent population trapping atomic clocks, Physics Letters A 373, 1130(2009).

102. ZHOU Xiao-Ji, CHEN Xu-Zong, CHEN Jing-Biao, WANG Yi-Qiu, LI Jia-Ming, Microwave Atomic Clock in the Optical Lattice with Specific Frequency, Chin. Phys. Lett. 26, 090601(2009).

103. QI Xiang-Hui, CHEN Wen-Lan, YI Lin, ZHOU Da-Wei, ZHOU Tong, XIAO Qin, DUAN Jun, ZHOU Xiao-Ji, CHEN Xu-Zong, Ultra-Stable Rubidium-Stabilized External-Cavity Diode Laser Based on the Modulation Transfer Spectroscopy Technique, Chin. Phys. Lett. 26, 044205(2009).

104. Qianli Ma, Lin Xia, Bo Lu, Wei Xiong, Yin Zhang, Xiaoji Zhou, and Xuzong Chen, High performance of semiconductor optical amplifier available for cold atom physics research, Chinese Optics Letters 7, 46(2009).

105. Lin Yi, Xianghui Qi, Wenlan Chen, Dawei Zhou, Tong Zhou, Xiaoji Zhou, and Xuzong Chen, Transferring the stability of iodine-stabilized diode laser at 634 nm to radio frequency by an optical frequency comb, Chinese Optics Letters 7, 36(2009).

106. Yi Lin, Yuan Jie, Qi Xiang-Hui, Chen Wen-Lan, Zhou Da-Wei, Zhou Tong, Zhou Xiao-Ji, and Chen Xu-Zong, A diode laser spectrometer at 634 nm and absolute frequency measurements using optical frequency comb, Chinese Physics B, 18, 1409(2009).

107. S. Schiller, G.M. Tino, P. Gill, C. Salomon, U. Sterr, E. Peik, A. Nevsky, A. Gorlitz, D. Svehla,G. Ferrari, N. Poli, L. Lusanna, H. Klein, H. Margolis, P. Lemonde, P. Laurent, G. Santarelli,A. Clairon, W. Ertmer, E. Rasel, J. Muller, L. Iorio, C. Lammerzahl, H. Dittus, E. Gill, M.Rothacher, F. Flechner, U. Schreiber, V. Flambaum, Wei-Tou Ni, Liang Liu, Xuzong Chen, J.Chen, K. Gao, L. Cacciapuoti, R. Holzwarth, M.P. He_, W. Schaefer: Einstein Gravity Explorer a medium-class fundamental physics mission, Exp. Astron. 23, 573 (2009).


108. Wenlan Chen, Xianghui Qi, Lin Yi, Ke Deng, Zhong Wang, Jingbiao Chen, and Xuzong Chen, Optical phase locking with a large and tunable frequency difference based on a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser, Optics Letters 33, 357(2008).

109. K. Deng, T. Guo, D. W. He, X. Y. Liu, L. Liu, D. Z. Guo, X. Z. Chen, and Z. Wang, Effect of buffer gas ratios on the relationship between cell temperature and frequency shifts of the coherent population trapping resonance, Applied Physics Letters 92, 211104(2008).

110. Rui Guo, Xiaoji Zhou, and Xuzong Chen, Enhancement of motional entanglement of cold atoms by pairwise scattering of photons, Phys. Rev. A 78, 052107(2008).

111. Fan Yang, Xiaoji Zhou, Juntao Li, Yuankai Chen, Lin Xia, and Xuzong Chen, Resonant sequential scattering in two-frequency-pumping superradiance from a Bose-Einstein condensate, Phys. Rev. A, 78, 043611(2008).

112. Lin Xia, Xu Xu, Rui Guo, Fan Yang, Wei Xiong, Juntao Li, Qianli Ma, Xiaoji Zhou, Hong Guo, and Xuzong Chen, Manipulation of the quantum state by the Majorana transition in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates, Phys. Rev. A, 77, 043622(2008).

113. Xiao-Fei Zhang, Qin Yang, Jie-Fang Zhang, X. Z. Chen, and W. M. Liu, Controlling soliton interactions in Bose-Einstein condensates by synchronizing the Feshbach resonance and harmonic trap, Phys. Rev. A 77, 023613(2008).

114. Xu Xu, Xiaoji Zhou and Xuzong Chen, Resonant Raman super-radiance in a Bose–Einstein condensate with two internal states, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41, 165302(2008) .

115. Lin Yi, Xianghui Qi, Wenlan Chen, Jingbiao Chen, Xiaoji Zhou, Xuzong Chen, Enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio of optical frequency beating using open-loop photonic crystal fiber, Optics Communications 281, 4081–4087(2008).

116. Juntao Li, Xiaoji Zhou, Fan Yang, Xuzong Chen, Superradiant Rayleigh scattering from a Bose–Einstein condensate with the incident laser along the long axis, Physics Letters A 372, 4750–4753 (2008).

117. XIA Lin, XIONG Wei, YANG Fan, YI Lin, ZHOU Xiao-Ji, CHEN Xu-Zong, High Field Seeking State Atom Laser and Properties of Flux, Chin. Phys. Lett. 25, No. 7, 2374(2008).

118. LI Lu-Ming, TANG Wen-Zhuo, HU Zhen-Yan, GUO Hong, Realization of Optical Phase Locked Loop at 9.2GHz between Two Independent Diode Lasers, Chin. Phys. Lett. 25, No. 9, 3253(2008).

119. 庄伟, 陈振辉, 陈徐宗, 陈景标, 用于钙原子光频标的半导体倍频激光器及荧光谱, 光学学报, 28, 58(2008)


120. Liu Lu, Guo Tao, Deng Ke, Liu Xinyuan, Chen xuzong, Wang Zhong, Frequency Stability of Atomic Clock Based on Coherent Population Trapping Resonance in 85 Rb, Chin. Phys. Lett. 24, 1883-1885(2007)

121. 陈文兰,袁杰,齐向晖,伊林,汪中,刘新元,陈徐宗, 外腔半导体激光器的设计与高次谐波稳频,中国激光 34, 895-900 (2007)

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123. Xiuquan Ma, Lin Xia, Fang Yang, Xiaoji Zhou, Yiqiu Wang, Hong Guo, and Xuzong Chen, Population oscillation of the multicomponent spinor Bose-Einstein condensate induced by nonadiabatic transitions, Phys.Rev.A, 73, (2006)013624

124. Xiuquan Ma, Lin Xia, Shuai Chen, Fang Yang, Xiaoji Zhou, Yiqiu Wang, Xuzong Chen, A method for determining the phase transition point of the Bose-Einstein Condensation by judging the fitting errors,Chin. Phys. Lett, 23(2006)79-82

125. Zheng Yunan, Zhou Xiaoji, Chen Jinbiao, Chen Xuzong, Magic wavelength for cesium transition line 6S1/2-6P3/2, Chin. Phys. Lett., 223 (2006)1687-1690

126. Chen Xuzong, Quantum coherence of light and precision measurement ofoptical frequency—an introduction to the 2005 nobel prize in physics,physics,no.3,2006

127. Li GQ, Fu LB, Xue JK, Chen XZ, Liu J, Collective Excitations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in an Anharmonic Trap, Physical Review A,Vol.74,No.11, 2006

128. Wang GF, Ye DF, Fu LB, Chen ZX, Liu J, Landau-Zener Tunneling in a Nonlinear Three-Level System, Physical Reviw A,Vol.74,No.9, 2006

129. 袁 杰,陈徐宗,陈文兰,齐向晖,伊 林,汪 中,陈景标,“可调谐半导体激光器的高精密驱动电源与稳频设计”,红外与激光工程,35卷,2006,115~119页

130. 陈徐宗,杨帆,夏林,熊伟,马修泉,李俊涛,马千里,陈景标,周小计,玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚特性及其应用,量子光学学报, Vol.12,No.8,2006


131. Luming Li, Hong Guo, Feng Xiao, Xiang Peng, and Xuzong Chen, Control of light in an M-type five-level atomic system, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B ., Vol. 22, No. 6, J(une 2005),1309-1313

132. Hui Shun Xiao, Hong Guo , Yanfeng Bai, Dingan han, Shuangli Fan, Xuzong Chen, Light propagation from subluminal to superluminal in a three-level -type ststem, Phys.Lett. A 335,68 2005

133. Yang Fan, Xia Lin, Zhou Xiaoji, Ma Xiu-Quan and Chen Xu-Zong,Strong Outcoupling from Spin-2 87Rb Bose–Einstein Condensates, Chinese Phys. Lett. 22 No 7 1596-1599(July 2005)。

134. Ma Xiu-Quan, Chen Shuai, Yang Fan, Xia Lin, Zhou Xiaoji, Wang Yi-Qiu, Chen Xu-Zong,Observation of F = 2 Spinor Bose–Einstein Condensation in a Magnetic Field, Chinese Phys. Lett. 22 No 5 1106-1109(May 2005)。

135. Luming Li, Xiang Peng, Cheng Liu, Hong Guo and XuzongChen, The deceleration and storage of a light pulse in caesium vapour, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 7 39–42. (2005)

136. Luming Li, Hong Guo, Feng Xiao, Xiang Peng, Xuzong Chen, The control of superluminal group velocity in a system equivalent to the Y-type four-level atomic system, Physics Letters A 334 214–219(2005)

137. Ma Xiuquan,Chen Wenlan,Chen Shuai,Liu Xinyuan,Chen Xuzong, Experimental Study of Diode Laser Frequency Stabilization by Zeeman Modulation,Acta Sinica Quantum Optica, No.4,2005.

138. Zhang YU, Zhang JianWei, Chen Xuzong, Numerical Simulation of the Light Storage Based on Dynamic EIT and Analysis of Multi-Pulse Storage,Acta Scicentiarum Naturalum Universities Pekinesis,No.3,2005

139. 伊林,陈徐宗,原子钟研究及其进展,《科学(上海)》,Vol.57,No.5,2005

140. 陈徐宗,物质的“第六态”,瞭望,No.27,2005


141. Yanfeng Bai, Hong Guo, Hui Sun, Dingan Han, Cheng Liu, and Xuzong Chen, Effects of spontaneously generated coherence on the conditions for exhibiting lasing without inversion in a V system, Phy.Rev A 69,043814(2004)

142. Luming Li, Xiang Peng, Cheng Liu, Hong Guo and Xuzong Chen, The transition time induced narrow linewidth of the electromagnetically induced transparency in caesium vapour,Journal of Physics B 37,1873(2004)

143. Feng Xiao, Hong Guo , Luming Li, Cheng Liu, Xuzong Chen, Enhanced effects of subluminal and superluminal propagation, Phys.Lett. A 327,15 (2004)

144. Chen Shuai, Zhou Xiaoji, Yang Fan, Xia Lin, Sun Yaya, Wang Yiqiu, Chen Xuzong, Chin. Analysis of runaway evaporation cooling and Bose-Einstein Condensation by time of flight absorption imaging,Phys. Lett., Vol.21, 2105(2004)

145. Chen Shuai, Zhou Xiaoji, Yang Fan, Xia Lin, Sun Yaya, Wang Yiqiu, Chen Xuzong, Optimization of the loading process of the QUIC magnetic trap for the experiment of Bose-Einstein Condensation, Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.21, 2227 (2004)

146. YU Yang, LUO Bin, LIU Kun, ZHOU Xiao-Ji, CHEN Xu-Zong, Effects of the Scattering Length on the Yrast Spectrum for a Two-Component Bose Einstein Condensates , CHIN.PHYS.LETT. Vol. 21, No. 12 (2004) 2351

147. Feng Xiao, Ruimin Guo , Luming Li, Donghai Yang, Xuzong Chen, Dependence of electromagnetically induced transparency on temperature, Chines Physics, Vol 13, Number 1, 36(2004)

148. Liu MW,Hong G, Deng DM,Yu Z,Chen XZ, Variational Method in the Study of Intense Laser Beams Propagation in Plasma Channels, Acta Physica Sinica,Vol.53,No.5,1419-1424,2004

149. Qiu YL,Guo H,Chen XZ,et al. Propagation Properties of an Elegant Hermite-Cosh-Gaussian Beam Through a Finite Aperture, Journal of Optics a –Pure and Applied Optics,Vol. 6,No.2,210-215, 2004

150. Xiao F,Guo RM,Li lm,Yang DH,Chen XZ, Dependence of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency on Temperature, ChinesePhysics,Vol.13,No.1,36-39,2004

151. Chen Chao, Zhang Jian, Liu Xinyuan,Wang Zhong, Chen Xuzong, Study on Laser Frequency Short-Term Stability,Acta Optica Sinica, No.12,2004


152. Ruimin Guo, Feng Xiao, Cheng Liu, Yu Zhang, Xuzong Chen, Dependence of electromagnetically induced transparency on laser linewidth, Chin. Phy. Lett. 20,1507(2003)

153. Feng Xiao, Ruimin Guo, Shuai Chen, Yu Zhang, Luming Li, Xuzong Chen, Observation of electromagnetically induced transparency in a Zeeman-sublevel system in rubidium vapour, Chin. Phy. Lett., 20,1257(2003)

154. Shuguang Zhu, Anshi Xu, Yu Zhang, Hong Guo, Xuzong Chen, Deming Wu, Reversible storage of multiple light pulses in the EIT atomic medium, Chinese Optics Letters, Vol.1.No.11, 680(2003)

155. Kyoungda Kim, Feng Xiao, Chung Hee Lee, Soo Kyoo Kyoung Kim, Xuzong Chen, Jung Bog Kim, Slow light propagation in an atomic vapour under conditions of amplification without inversion,J.Phys. B:at Mol. Opt. Phys, 36,2671(2003)

156. Shuguang Zhu, Anshi Xu, Hong Guo, Yu Zhang, Feng Xiao, Xuzong Chen, Hong Jin Kong, Quantum Memory for Photonic Packets,Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 43, No. 6,1015(2003)

157. Xiaoji Zhou, Weidong Li, Xuzong Chen, Yiqiu Wang, Relative phase with the overlap region of two Bose-Einstein Condensates,Chinese Physical Letter,19,1581(2003)

158. Xiaoji Zhou, Zhaoyuan Ma, Xuzong Chen, Yiqiu Wang, The weak-Coupling of Bose-Einstein Condensates. Commun.Theor.Phys. 39,412(2003)

159. Xiaoji Zhou, Xuzong Chen, Yiqiu Wang, The noise correlation effect on the spectrum density of atom laser,Chinese Journal of Optics,23,782(2003)

160. Jian Zhang, Xuzong Chen, Yiqiu Wang,Study on tuning range of external cavity laser, Chinese Journal of Optics , (Chinese) 23,1220(2003)

161. Deng D.M, Guo H, Chen XZ, et.al, Characteristics of coherent and incoherent off-axis elegant hermite-gaussian beam combinations,Journal of Optics A-puer and Applied Optics, No.5, 489-494,2003

162. Zhou Xiaoji, Chen Xuzong, Wang Yiqiu, Effects of Correlation between Noises on the Spectral Density of Atom Laser,Acta Optica Sinica, No.7,2003

163. Zhang Jian, Chen Xuzong, Wang Yiqiu, Analysis on Continuous Tuning Range of Tunable Diode Lasers, Acta Optica Sinica, No.10, 2003


164. Xuzong Chen, Xiaoji Zhou, Shuai Chen, Yiqiu Wang, A New State of Matter-Bose-Einstein Condensate, Physics (Chinese),VOL.31,No.3, 141(2002)


165. Junxian Fu,Shuai Chen,Xuzong Chen, Donghai Yang,Yiqiu Wang, Realization of an Atomic Fountain Using a Novel Launching Method, Chin. Phys. Lett. 18,1457(2001)

166. Xiaoji Zhou,Shuai Chen,Yiqiu Wang,Xuzong Chen,Jianwei Zhang, An Empirical Formula for the Measurement of Spatial Coherence of Trapped Bose Gases, Chin. Phys. Lett. 18,479(2001)

167. Obtaining ultra-cold atoms by optical molasses directly from vapor, Hou Jidong, Wang Xiaohui, Chen Xuzong, Yang Donghai, Wang Yiqiu, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, Vol.37, No.5, sep 2001

168. Fu Junxian, Li Yimin, Chen Xuzong, Yang Donghai, Wang Yiqiu, A new method for measuring density and temperature of cold atoms in magneto-optical trap,Acta Optica Sinica, 414-416, No.4, 2001


169. Xuzong Chen, Yiqiu Wang , Measurement of hyperfine spectra of Iodine molecule available to laser frequency standard at 630-640nm, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 4220,59(2000)

170. Xiaohui Wang, Xuzong Chen, Jidong Hou, Donghai Yang, Yiqiu Wang, Side-mode injection locking characteristics of 150 mW AlGaAs semiconductor lasers, Opt. Comm.,178,165(2000)

171. Wang Xh, Chen Xz, Hou Jd, et al, Theoretic and experimental study on large-frequency-difference side-mode infection locking of high power semiconductor lasers of laser cooling, Acta Physica Sinica, 49,85-93,No.1,2000

172. Wang Xiaohui, Hou Jidong, Chen Xuzong,Yang Donghai, Wang Yiqiu, Design and setting up of a practical optical system for cesium atomic fountain, Acta Optica Sinica,No.11,2000

173. Chen Xuzong, Introduction to the courses in EE departments at Tokyo University, Journal Of Electrical&Electrouic Engineering Education, No.02,2000,


174. Junxian Fu, Xuzong Chen, Yimin Li, Donghai Yang, Yiqiu Wang, Magneto-optical trap for cesium atoms without a separate repumping laser, Chin. Phys. Lett. 16,805(1999)

175. Kemin Zhang, Xuzong Chen , Strong Transitions of 127I2 at 633 nm and frequency stabilized diode laser, Physica Sinica, Vol.48,840(1999)

176. Shen N.C., Zang E.J., Zhao K., Lu H.N., Zhang X.B., Sun Y.M., Xu C.L., Chen X. Z. Zhang K.M., Modulation Transfer Spectroscopy of I-127(2) Hyperfine Structure near 532 nm Using a Self-made diode-pumped Nd:YV04-KTP Laser, IEEE Transactions of Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 48, No.2,604(1999)

177. Zang Erjun, Kasahara T.,Sakamoto K., Inaba H., Akimoto Y., Shen Naicheng, Chen Xuzhong, Wang Yiqiu, External cavity diode lasers and laser saturation spectroscopy of iodine hyperfine structure near 633nm ,Proceedings of SPIE Vol.3862(1999)p282-286

178. Zhang Keming, Chen Xuzong, Strong hyperfine spectra of 127I2 at 633 nm and frequency stabilized tunable diode laser, Acta Physica Sinica, Vol.48, No.5, 1999


179. X.Z. Chen, K. Zhang, J. Zang, Y. Akimoto, T. Kasahara, K. Sakamoto, H. Inaba, Frequency stabilized tunable diode laser and strong transition iodine hyperfine spectra at 633nm ,Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 3547(1998)194-202

180. Xuzong Chen, Yiqiu Wang, Chinese The relation between velocity bunching and multiple photon resonance in a bichromatic field, Journal of Quantum Optics, (chinese) Vol.4,125(1998)

181. Fu Junxian, Li Yiming,Chen Xuzong, Yang Donghai, Wang Yiqiu, Experimental study on the properties of magneto optical trap and the collective behaviors of cold atoms, Acta Sinica Puantum Optica,03(1998)

182. Chen Xuzong, Wang Yiqiu, Relation between atomic velocity bunching in a bichromatic laser field and multi photon resonance,Acta Sinica Quantum Optica,03(1998)


183. Xuzong Chen, Jiliang Yao, Yiqiy Wan, Study on characteristics of narrow line-width diode laser available high resolution spectroscopy, Chinese Journal of Optics (chinese) ,Vol.16, No.10,1383(1996)

184. Jianhua Gan, Yimin Li, Xuzong Chen, Haifeng Liu, Donghai Yang, Yiqiu Wang, Magneto-optical trap for Cs atoms, Chin.Phys.Lett., Vol.13, No.11,821(1996)

185. Intensity dependence of Cs D2-line saturation spectra, Yimin Li, Xuzong Chen, Jianhua Gan, Wangxi Ji, Jingshan Hua, Donghai Yang, Yiqiu Wang, Chin.Phys.Lett., Vol.13,No.6,424(1996)

186. The dependence of Cs saturated absorption spectra on the intensity of pumping light, Gan Jianhua, Chen Xuzong, Liyimin, Ji Wangxi, Hua Jingshan, Yaojiliang, Yangdonghai, Wangyiqiu, Acta Physica Sinica,10(1996)

187. A narrow linewidth diode laser for high resolution spectroscopy and its properties, Chen Xuzong,Yao Jiliang, Li Yimin, Yang Donghai, Wang Yiqiu, Acta Optica Sinica,10(1996)

188. 铯饱和吸收光谱随抽运光强度的变化,甘建华,陈徐宗,物理学报,VOL 45,1622-1628,10(1996)


189. Wang Xiaojuan, Liu Liang, Chen Xuzong, Fang Shaowu, Wang Yuzhu,Velocity bunching of atoms in laser standing wave, Acta Optica Sinica, 1161-1165,04(1994)

190. Chen Xuzong, Liu Liang, Wang Yuzhu, The relation between the radiation force on an atom in the stanging wave field and the atomic transition rate, Acta Physica Sinica, Vol 42,1587-1594,10(1993)

191. Chen Xuzong, Liu Liang, Wang Yuzhu, Radiation force on a moving atomin a bichromatical laser field, Acta Optica Sinica, Vol 12, (1993)

192. Zhang Shaofeng, Chen Xuzong, Liang Peihui,Measuring laser linewidth with young s optical fiber interferomenter, Chinese Journal of Lasers, 12,04(1991)

193. Chen Xuzong, Liang Peihui, Lei Jianqiu, Study on the poiarization of copper vapor lasers, Chinese Journal of Lasers,S1,10(1990)

194. Liang Peihui, Ben Hong, Chen Xuzong, Lei Jianqiu,Far-field distribution of laser beam from oscillator and amplifier of copper vapor lasers, Chinese Journal Of Lasers, S1,12(1990)

195. 陈徐宗,梁培辉,脉冲激光器的偏振特性研究,量子电子学报,04(1989)

会议论文(Presentation on conference):


1. XuzongChen, Hui Li, JiachengYu, Bo Fan, Wei Xiong, Yin Zhang, XiaolongYuan,ShifengYang, JingxinSun, Qi Huang, Ren Liao, Pengju Zhao, LiboLiang, Qingpei Zheng, XiaojiZhou, Bing Wang, DiejunChen,Liang Liu, WeibiaoChen,Muming Liu, BaolongLu, ShuyuZhou, Towards Cold Atom Experiments in Chinese Space Station, Cold Atom on Line Meeting, Nov.16-18,2020,Paris

2. Experiment of Newton Cradle in One Dimensional Bose Gas,Xuzong Chen, et al,26th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 2018, July 22-27, Bacerona, Spanish

3. Jingxin Sun, Fan, Bo, Yin Zhang, Wei Xiong and Xuzong Chen" Progress on the research on prototype of Cold Atom Physics Rack for the Chinese Space Station" The 26th international Conference on Atomic Physics ICAP 2018, Barcelona, Spanish,

4. Xuzong Chen, Fan, Bo, Jingxin Sun, Pingjun Wang, Wei Xiong, Yin Zhang. "Advances of Quantum Degenerate Gas Experimental Platform in Microgravity Construction", International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy ICOLS 2017, Bordeaux, France

5. Chen, Xuzong, Liang, Liu, Wei-biao, Chen, Wuming, Liu, Xiaoji, Zhao, Baolong, Lu, Fan, Bo, et al. "Towards cold atom experiments in Chinese space station" 25th

International Conference on Atomic Physics (2016), Washington, USA,


6. Xuzong Chen , Hepeng Yao, Tian Luan , Chen Li, Zhaoyuan Ma, Xiaoji Zhou, Comparison of two different approaches to picokelvin temperature in microgravity: two-stage crossed beam cooling and delta-kick cooling, 22nd International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, June 28 - July 3, 2015,Singapore,abstract, p133

7. Shaoyang Dai, Wei Xia, Qi Yu, Yaozhang Wang, Xuzong Chen, Miniaturized Er-fiber femtosecond frequency comb: development and evaluation, 22nd International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, June 28 - July 3, 2015,Singapore,abstract, p60

8. Xiaoji Zhou, Linxiao Niu, Dong Hu, Xuzong Chen, Excitation of atoms in an optical lattice driven by polychromatic amplitude modulation, 22nd International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, June 28 - July 3, 2015,Singapore,abstract, p 94

9. Wei Xia, Shaoyang Dai, Yaozhang Wang, Qi Yu, Xuzong Chen, Direct frequency comb spectroscopy of Rb 5S-5D two-photon transitions by using Er-fiber femtosecond comb, 22nd International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, June 28 - July 3, 2015,Singapore,abstract, p148


10. Xuzong Chen, Wei Xiong and Xiaoji Zhou ,Investigation of Critical correlations in an ultracold Bose gas by means of a temporal Talbot-Lau interferometery, International conference of Atomic Physics, 2014.8.2-8, Washington DC,USA

11. Fan, Bo, Haitao Xue, Chunyan Ji, Yang Liu, Lu Wang, Yin Zhang, Zhimin Liu, Zhaoyuan Ma, Xiaoji Zhou, Xuzong Chen "Progress of the Project on Cold Atom in Space" The 6th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, ISCAP-VI (2014)

12. 量子技术——从雷达工程到精密打击,“两弹一星”高层论坛,2014.1.17.北京


13. Xuzong Chen,,Wei Xiong,Yueyang Zhai, Xuguang Yue,Biao Wu, and Hongwei Xiong , Xiaoji Zhou, Measurement of Critical correlations in an ultracold Bose gas by means of a temporal Talbot-Lau interferometery, XXVIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions 24 - 30 July, 2013 Lanzhou, China (invited talk)

14. Xuzong Chen, 2013 STE-QUEST WORKSHOP , Proposal for Atom Cooling Approach in Space and a Cold Atom Experimental System in Chinese Space Station , 22-23 May 2013 ,ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, Noordwijk ,The Netherlands

15. Xuzong Chen, “From Quantum Gas to Quantum Technology”,International workshop on laser science, Oct.5-6,Tokyo, Japan(invited)

16. Xiaoji ZHOU,Manipulation of ultracold Bose gases by standing waves,The 5th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics,June 23-26,Sanxia, China (invited)

17. Xuzong Chen, Xuguang Yue, Yueyang Zhai, Thibault Vogt, Xiaoji Zhou. Mode competition in superradiant scattering of matter waves. International Conference of Atomic Physics, 2012: 93.0157

18. Xiaoji Zhou, Xuguang Yue, Yueyang Zhai, Zhongkai Wang, Thibault Vogt, Xuzong Chen. Laser driving of superradiant scattering from a Bose-Einstein condensate at variable incidence angle. International Conference of Atomic Physics, 2012: 309.0157

19. 陈徐宗,“高精密激光的研究进展”,2012中国(安徽)国际光电博览会·论坛,2012.4.12-4.14,合肥(邀请报告)

20. 陈徐宗,“小型化光纤梳状发生器与精密测量”,光学频率梳技术与应用研讨会会议,2012 年6 月16 日,北京(邀请报告)

21. Xuzong Chen, “From Quantum Gas to Quantum Technology”,International workshop on laser science, Oct.5-6,Tokyo, Japan(invited)

22. Xuzong Chen, Xuguang Yue, Yueyang Zhai, Thibault Vogt, Xiaoji Zhou. Mode competition in superradiant scattering of matter waves. International Conference of Atomic Physics, 2012: 93.0157

23. Xiaoji Zhou, Xuguang Yue, Yueyang Zhai, Zhongkai Wang, Thibault Vogt, Xuzong Chen. Laser driving of superradiant scattering from a Bose-Einstein condensate at variable incidence angle. International Conference of Atomic Physics, 2012: 309.0157

24. 陈徐宗,“高精密激光的研究进展”,2012中国(安徽)国际光电博览会•论坛,2012.4.12-4.14,合肥(邀请报告)

25. 陈徐宗,“小型化光纤梳状发生器与精密测量”,光学频率梳技术与应用研讨会会议,2012 年6 月16 日,北京(邀请报告)


26. Xuzong Chen, Manipulation and measurement of phase transition and correlation in one dimensional optical lattice,Conference on Research Frontiers in Ultra-cold Atomic and Molecular Gases, 10-14, January,2011,Goa,India(Invited talk);

27. 陈徐宗, 从量子气体到量子技术, 第十六届全国原子与分子物理学术会议,邀请报告, 2011年8月,井冈山;

28. Xuzong Chen, YueyangZhai, Shifeng Yang, Thibault Vogt, Bo Lu, Xinxin Liu, XuXu, Wei Xiong, XueguangYue, QiuyuGuo, Yiqiu Wang, Xiaoji Zhou, “Probe correlation and energy gap of Bloch bands in 1D optical lattice by matter wave amplification”, the 20th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, June, 2011, the SchlosshotelMünchhausen in Aerzen (near Hameln), Germany.

29. Xiaoji Zhou, Xinxin Liu, Wei Xiong, YueyangZhai, XueguangYue, Shifeng Yang, Thibault Vogt, Yiqiu Wang, Xuzong Chen,“Rapid loading and momentum manipulation by standing wave pulses”, the 20th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, June, 2011, the SchlosshotelMünchhausen in Aerzen (near Hameln), Germany.

30. YueyangZhai, Shifeng Yang, Bo Lu, Wei Xiong, Xia Xu, XuguangYue, Yiqiu Wang, Xiaoji Zhou and Xuzong Chen, “Microwave Atomic Clock in the Magic Wavelength Optical Lattice andMagic Wavelength Laser”, the 20th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, June, 2011, the SchlosshotelMünchhausen in Aerzen (near Hameln), Germany.


31. Xuzong Chen, T.Vogt, Bo Lu, Wei Xiong, Xinxin Liu, Yueyang Zhai, Xueguang Yue, Yiqiu Wang, Xiaoji Zhou, Matterwave Amplication in one dimensional optical lattice, 5th Asia Pacific Conference in Quantum Information Science, 2010,August, Taiyuan (invited talk)

32. Xuzong Chen, Thibault Vogt, Bo Lu, Xinxin Liu, Xu Xu, Wei Xiong, Yueyang Zhai, Xueguang Yue, Qiuyu Guo,Yiqiu Wang, Xiaoji Zhou, Superrandiant Scattering in Optical Lattice and Bose Einstein Condensation,4th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics (ISCAP-IV), 2010, July4-8, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, (invited talk)

33. Xuzong Chen, Thibault Vogt, Bo Lu, Xinxin Liu, Wei Xiong, Yueyang Zhai, Xueguang Yue, Qiuyu Guo,Yiqiu Wang, Xiaoji Zhou,The 6th Singapore-China Joint Symposium on Research Frontiers in Physics,September 21-23, 2010, Xi’an, China(invited talk)

34. Xuzong Chen, Bo Lu,Thibault Vogt, Xinxin Liu, Xu Xu, Xiaoji Zhou,Matter wave amplification in a spatially modulated Bose gas releated from an optical lattice , Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics, 25-30 July,2010, Cairns, Austrian, Pg.131,

35. Xiaoji Zhou, Fan Yang Xuguang Yue, Wei Xiong, Yueyang Zhai, Xu Xu,Xuzong Chen,Manipulation of the quantum state of a Bose-Einstein Condensate using superradiance, Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics, 25-30 July,2010, Cairns, Austrian, Pg.461

36. Xuzong Chen, Thibault Vogt, Bo Lu, Xinxin Liu, Wei Xiong, Yueyang Zhai, Xueguang Yue, Qiuyu Guo,Yiqiu Wang, Xiaoji Zhou,Study on phase transition and correlation in one dimensional optical lattice with matter wave amplification, The 6th CAS corss-Strait and International Conference on Quantum Manipulation,Dec. 11-12,2010, Beijing, China(invited talk)

37. Xuzong Chen, Thibault Vogt, Bo Lu, Xinxin Liu, Wei Xiong, Yueyang Zhai, Xueguang Yue, Qiuyu Guo,Yiqiu Wang, Xiaoji Zhou,Study on phase transition and correlation in one dimensional optical lattice with laser fields, 低温物理学前沿问题研讨会,2010年12月22-23日,北京(邀请报告)

38. Xuzong Chen, T.Vogt, Bo Lu, Wei Xiong, Xinxin Liu, Yueyang Zhai, Xueguang Yue, Yiqiu Wang, Xiaoji Zhou, Matterwave Amplication in one dimensional optical lattice, 5th Asia Pacific Conference in Quantum Information Science, 2010,August, Taiyuan (invited talk)

39. Xuzong Chen, Thibault Vogt, Bo Lu, Xinxin Liu, Xu Xu, Wei Xiong, Yueyang Zhai, Xueguang Yue, Qiuyu Guo,Yiqiu Wang, Xiaoji Zhou, Superrandiant Scattering in Optical Lattice and Bose Einstein Condensation,4th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics (ISCAP-IV), 2010, July4-8, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, (invited talk)

40. 陈徐宗、刘璐、齐向辉、原满、段俊、王青、张胤、赵建业、张耿民、李明之、杨东海、王义遒,光抽运铯原子钟及其稳频激光器研究进展,第一届中国卫星导航学术会议,2010,北京,论文集,p201(特邀)


41. Xuzong Chen, Lin Xia, Bo Lu, Wei Xiong, Yueyang Zhai, Rui Guo, Xueguang Yue, Yiqiu Wang, Xiaoji Zhou,Manipulation on states of Bose-Einstein Condensate with Laser and Magnetic Field, OCPA6 (6th Oversea Chinese Physics Association, August 3-7 , Lanzhou, (invited talk)

42. Xuzong Chen, Lin Xia, Bo Lu, Wei Xiong, Yueyang Zhai, Rui Guo, Xueguang Yue, Yiqiu Wang, Xiaoji Zhou, Quantum Manipulation on Momentum of Bose-Einstein Condensate with Laser, 量子基础与技术:前沿和展望国际会议(ICQFT2009),July 18-20, 2009, Shanghai, (invited talk)

43. Xuzong Chen, Manipulation on Quantum States of BEC——Challenge for Science and Technology, Condensed matter physics of cold atoms, Sept. 21 – Nov 06, 2009, KITPC/ITP — CAS, Beijing, (invited talk)

44. Xuzong Chen, Lin Xia, Bo Lu, Wei Xiong, Yueyang Zhai, Rui Guo, Xueguang Yue, Yiqiu Wang, Xiaoji Zhou,Manipulation on states of Bose-Einstein Condensate with Laser and Magnetic Field, OCPA6 (6th Oversea Chinese Physics Association, August 3-7 , Lanzhou, (invited talk)

45. Xuzong Chen, Manipulation on Quantum States of BEC——Challenge for Science and Technology, Condensed matter physics of cold atoms, Sept. 21 – Nov 06, 2009, KITPC/ITP — CAS, Beijing, (invited talk)

46. Xiaoji ZHOU, Lin XIA, Bo LU, Wei XIONG, Yueyang ZHAI, Xu XU, Rui GUO, Xuguang YUE, Yiqiu WANG, and Xuzong CHEN,MANIPULATION OF THE QUANTUM STATE OF A BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATE --- FROM CONTROLLABLE MAJORONA TRANSITION TO SUPERRADIANCE,19th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, 7-12 June,2009, Japan。

47. 陈徐宗,极限的挑战——高性能稳频半导体激光的研究进展, 2009激光技术论坛暨'2008中国光学重要成果' '发布会(2009上海慕尼黑国际激光展)2009年3月17 -19日,上海浦东(invited talk)

48. 陈徐宗、夏林、鹿搏、熊伟、翟跃阳、郭锐、许顼、乐旭广、王义遒、周小计,玻色爱因斯坦凝聚量子态的操控—从可控Majirana跃迁到可控超辐射,第十五届全国原子与分子物理学术会议, 2009年7月(invited talk)。

49. 陈徐宗、刘璐、齐向辉、薛健、原满、段俊、赵磊、王青、张胤、赵建业、张耿民、李明之, 杨东海、王义遒,小型光抽运铯原子钟与相关稳频半导体激光器的研究进展, 2009年全国时间频率年会,2009 年10月23-26日,成都。

50. 陈徐宗、齐向辉、伊林、周通、王青、段俊、周小计、王义遒,小型铷原子光钟研究进展,卫星导航系统先进原子钟技术及工程应用专题研讨会,2009年2月20日,杭州。

51. 周小计、杨帆、许顼、郭锐、乐旭广、鹿搏、熊伟、翟跃阳、王义遒、陈徐宗,物质波对光场的合作散射,第十二届全国低温物理学术讨论会,青岛,2009年7月(特邀)。

52. 周小计、杨帆、许顼、郭锐、乐旭广、陈徐宗, 光晶格微波原子钟的探索研究,全国导航研讨会,杭州,2009年5(特邀)。

53. 周小计、鹿博、熊伟、乐旭广、翟跃阳、许夏、夏林、陈徐宗,Superradiance scattering from Bose-Einstein condensation ,第三届全国冷原子物理与量子信息青年学者学术研讨会,成都,2009年9月(特邀)。

54. 周小计、许顼、郭锐、夏林、乐旭广、鹿搏、熊伟、翟跃阳、王义遒、陈徐宗,光晶格中玻色爱因斯坦凝聚的合作辐射研究,第十五届全国原子与分子物理学术会议,贵州,2009年7月。

55. 鹿搏、齐向辉、伊林、熊伟、翟跃阳、马千里、张胤、周小计、陈徐宗,玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚实验中激光放大技术研究, 第十五届全国原子与分子物理学术会议。

56. 熊炜、周通、翟跃阳、鹿博、刘新星、夏林、周小计、陈徐宗,用于冷原子物理实验的稳频激光系统, 第十五届全国原子与分子物理学术会议。

57. 翟跃阳、夏林、鹿搏、熊伟、郭锐、许顼、乐旭广、王义遒、周小计、陈徐宗,光晶格微波原子钟与相关激光技术研究,第十五届全国原子与分子物理学术会议。

58. 刘璐、齐向辉、戴哓峰、赵磊、原满、段俊、杨东海、王义遒、陈徐宗,铯束频标用稳频激光器研究,卫星导航系统先进原子钟技术及工程应用专题研讨会,2009年2月20日,杭州。

59. 汪中、邓科、郭涛、于娟、郭等柱、刘璐、刘新元、陈徐宗, CPT微型原子钟的研究进展,卫星导航系统先进原子钟技术及工程应用专题研讨会,2009年2月20日,杭州。


60. Xu-Zong Chen, Fan Yang, Lin Xia, Jun-Tao li, Qia-li Ma, Bo Lu, Wei Xiong, Yue-Yang Zhai, Rui Guo, Xu Xu, Xue-Guang Yue, Yi-Qiu Wang, Xiao-Ji Zhou, Manipulation of Bose-Einstein Condensate with Laser and Magnetic Field,The Fourth China-Singapore Joint Symposium on Research Frontiers in Physics, Sep. 23-25, 2008, Suzhou,(invited talk)

61. Xuzong Chen, Fan Yang, lin xia, Juntao Li, Qianli Ma, Bo Lu, Wei Xiong, Yueyang Zhai, Rui Guo, Xu Xu, Xueguang Yue, Yiqiu Wang, Xiaoji Zhou, Controllable Super-radiance in Bose-Einstein Condensate,The 3rd International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, July 10th-12th, 2008, Wuhan, China, (invited talk)

62. Lin Xia, Fan Yang, Xiaoji Zhou, Xuzong Chen, Manipulation of BEC with Light and Magnetic Field, 2008 Symposium for Young Researchers “Quantum Manipulation of Photons and Atoms”, Oct.14th-18th, 2008, Beijing, (invited talk)

63. Fan Yang, Xaoji Zhou, Juntao Li, Xuzong Chen, Successive and Alternate Sequential Stimulation in Two-frequency-pumping Superradiance From A Bose-Einstein Condensate, 2008 Symposium for Young Researchers “Quantum Manipulation of Photons and Atoms”, Oct.14th-18th, 2008, Beijing

64. Ke Deng, Tao Guo, Lu Liu, Xinyuan Liu, Xuzong Chen, Zhong Wang, Effects of the Intensity Difference of Two Laser Fields on Coherent Population Trapping Clocks,2008 Symposium for Young Researchers “Quantum Manipulation of Photons and Atoms”, Oct.14th-18th, 2008, Beijing

65. Xianghui Qi, Wenlan Chen, Lin Yi, Ke Deng, Zhong Wang, Jingbiao Chen, Xuzong Chen, Optical Phase Locking with A Large and Tunable Frequency Difference Based on A Vertical-cavitysurface-emitting Laser, 2008 Symposium for Young Researchers “Quantum Manipulation of Photons and Atoms”, Oct.14th-18th, 2008, Beijing

66. Lin Xia, Xu Xu, Rui Guo, Yang Fan, Xiaoji Zhou and Xuzong Chen, Controllable Majorana Transition in Bose-Einstein Condensates, Conference of Frontiers on Degenerate Quantum Gases,Oct.20th-25th, 2008, Beijing

67. Rui Guo, Xiaoji Zhou and Xuzong Chen, Pairwiese Scattering Effect in Ultra-cold Atoms System, Conference of Frontiers on Degenerate Quantum Gases,Oct.20th-25th, 2008, Beijin

68. Fan Yang, Xiaoji Zhou, Juntao Li and Xuzong Chen, Successive and Alternate Sqeuential stimulation in two-frequency pumping superradiance from a Bose-Einstein condensate, Conference of Frontiers on Degenerate Quantum Gases,Oct.20th-25th, 2008, Beijing

69. Xu Xu, Xiaoji Zhou and Xuzong Chen, Resonant Raman Super-radiance in a Bose-Einstein Condensate with Two Internal States, Conference of Frontiers on Degenerate Quantum Gases,Oct.20th-25th, 2008, Beijing

70. 陈徐宗、伊林、齐向辉、邓科、郭涛、戴二峰、赵蕾、汪中、刘璐,原子钟的过去、现在与未来,2008全国频率控制技术年会,2008年,11月21-23,北京,(邀请报告)

71. 陈徐宗,锁相飞秒光学频率梳与碘分子超精细跃迁的绝对频率测量, 香山科学会议第327次学术讨论会-精密测量物理和方法,2008年7月13日。(邀请报告)

72. 陈徐宗,杨帆,夏林, 李俊涛,马千里, 鹿博,熊伟,翟跃阳, 郭锐,许顼,乐旭广, 周小计, 玻色爱因斯坦凝聚实验进展——从可控Majorana跃迁到可控超辐射,第十三届全国量子光学学术报告会日程安排,2008年7月25-27日,云南,昆明

73. 伊林,陈文兰,齐向辉,周大伟,周通,肖琴,袁杰,汪中,周小计,陈徐宗, 碘分子超精细跃迁的绝对频率测量与光学频率综合, 第十三届全国量子光学学术报告会日程安排,2007年8月25-27日,云南,昆明

74. 郭锐,杨帆,夏林,许顼,乐旭广,李俊涛,马千里, 鹿博,熊伟,翟跃阳, 周小计,陈徐宗, 冷原子配对散射中的量子纠缠现象,第十三届全国量子光学学术报告会日程安排,2008年7月25-27日,云南,昆明


75. Xuzong Chen,Lin Xia, Xu Xu, Wei Xiong, Juntao Li, Qianli Ma, Xiaoji Zhou, Hong Guo, “Spinor atom laser and controllable Majorana Transition”, The 1st International Conference on Quantum Manipulation of Photons and Atoms” June 2-4,2007, Beijing, China (invited talk)

76. Chen, XZ , Xia, L, Xu, X, et al, “Controllable Majorana transition in spinor Bose-Einstein condensate”,Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics,(CLEO/Pacific Rim 2007) 26-31,August, 2007 ,Seoul, Korea

77. Xuzong Chen, Lin Xia, Xu Xu, Fan Yang, Wei Xiong, Juntao Li, Qianli Ma, Xiaoji Zhou, and Hong Guo , “Multicomponet spinor atom laser generated by controllable Majorana transition”,18th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, 24-29 June 2007, Telluride, Colorado, USA

78. Xuzong Chen, Lin Xia, Xu Xu, Fan Yang, Wei Xiong, Juntao Li, Qianli Ma, Xiaoji Zhou and Hong Guo, “Quantum control by nonadiabatic transition in spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate”, 7th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Pacific Rim 2007) 26-31,August, 2007 ,Seoul, Korea.

79. Xuzong Chen, Lin Xia, Xu Xu, Fan Yang, Wei Xiong, Juntao Li, Qianli Ma, Xiaoji Zhou, and Hong Guo , 2 “Multicomponet spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate and Controllable Majorana transition”, 007 Gordon Research Conferences of Atomic Physics, July 2-6,2007, West Kingston, USA

80. Xuzong Chen, Lin Xia, Fan yang, Wei Xiong, Juntao Li, Qianli Ma, Xiaoji Zhou, Hong Guo, “Spinor atom laser and controllable Majoran transition” The 1st International Conference on Quantum Manipulation of Photons and Atoms” June 2-4,2007, Beijing, China(invited talk)

81. Xiaoji Zhou, Fan Yang, Juntao Li, Xu Xu, Rui Guo, Xuzong Chen, “Superradianc from Bose-Einstein Condensation”, Bose-Einstein Condensation and quantized vortices in superfluidity and superconductivity, 12-16 Nov. 2007, National University of Singapore, Singapore (invited talk)

82. Lin Yi, Jie Yuan, Xianghui Qi, Wenlan Chen, Zhong Wang, Xuzong Chen,An Economic and Robust Method to Amplify Optical Frequency Comb,7th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Pacific Rim 2007) 26-31,August, 2007 ,Seoul, Korea

83. Xiaoji Zhou, Fan Yang, Lin Xia, Juntao Li, Yiqiu Wang, Xuzong Chen, “Bose-Einstein Condensation and atom laser” Summer School on Novel Quantum Phases and Non-equilibrium Phenomena in Cold Atomic Gases, 27 August 2007 - 7 September 20, Trieste – Italy

84. Fang Yang, Wei Xiong, Juntao Li, Xu Xu, Lin Xia, Bo LU, Qianli Ma, Rui Guo, Xiaoji Zhou, and Xuzong Chen, “superradiant light scattering from Bose-Einstein Condensates”, The 1st International Conference on Quantum Manipulation of Photons and Atoms” June 2-4,2007, Beijing, China

85. Wang Zhong, Deng Ke, Guo Tao, Chen Xuzong, A Microwave Atomic Clock Based on CPT in 85Rb Vapor, The 1st International Conference on Quantum Manipulation of Photons and Atoms” June 2-4,2007, Beijing, China

86. 伊林,陈文兰,齐向辉,周大伟,周通,肖琴,袁杰,汪中,周小计,陈徐宗,碘分子超精细跃迁的绝对频率测量与光学频率综合,第十三届全国量子光学学术报告会,2007年8月25-27日,云南,昆明

87. 袁杰、伊林、陈文兰、齐向辉、汪中、陈徐宗,高重复频率锁相飞秒激光与碘分子超精细跃迁的绝对频率测量,2007年全国时间频率学术会议,2007年10月,宜昌

88. 齐向辉、陈文兰、伊林、邓科、汪中、陈徐宗,一种新的可调谐大频差激光相位锁定方法,2007年全国时间频率学术会议,2007年10月,宜昌

89. 陈徐宗, 连接过去与未来¾¾时间与频率精密测量的研究进展, 2007年全国时间频率学术会议,2007年10月,宜昌(特邀报告)

90. 汪中、邓科、郭涛、刘璐、郭等柱、刘新元、陈徐宗,基于85Rb的CPT微型原子钟研究,2007年全国时间频率学术会议,2007年10月,宜昌

91. 刘璐、郭涛、赵魏、邓科、郭等柱、刘新元、陈徐、汪中,CPT微型原子钟电路系统方案研究,2007年全国时间频率学术会议,2007年10月,宜昌


92. Xuzong Chen, Shuai Chen, Yang Fan, Xia Lin, Ma Xiu-Quan and Zhou Xiaoji, From Spinor BEC to Multiple-mode Atom Laser, 2rd International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Qiandao Lake, Zhejiang Prov.(浙江千岛湖), 2006.07(Invited talk)

93. Xuzong Chen, Yang Fan, Xia Lin, Ma Xiu-Quan and Zhou Xiaoji,., Continuous Multi-mode Atom Laser Generated by Non-adiabatic Process,20th International Conference on Atomic Physics(ICAP), Innsbruck, Austria, 2006.07

94. Chen, JB, Zhou, XJ, Chen, XZ, “Beyond fountain”,IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and Exposition, JUN 04-07, 2006

95. 伊林,袁杰,齐向晖,陈文兰,张志刚,陈徐宗,飞秒光学频率梳与精密频率计量,中国物理学会2006年秋季会议(CPS2006), 北京, 2006.09

96. 陈文兰,袁杰,齐向晖,伊林,汪中,张志刚,陈徐宗,780nm波段外腔半导体激光器的设计与高次谐波稳频,2006光电子与信息技术全国博士生学术论坛,2006年11月

97. 伊林,袁杰,齐向晖,陈文兰,汪中,张志刚,陈徐宗,倍频程飞秒光学频率梳的精密频域控制,2006光电子与信息技术全国博士生学术论坛,2006年11月

98. 袁杰、伊林,袁杰,齐向晖,陈文兰、陈徐宗,外腔半导体激光器的高精密驱动电源与稳频设计,2006年全国光电技术学术交流会,四川成都,2006.11

99. 袁杰、伊林,袁杰,齐向晖,陈文兰、陈徐宗,外腔半导体激光器的设计与高次谐波稳频,2006年全国光电技术学术交流会,四川成都,2006.11

100. 陈徐宗、伊林,袁杰,齐向晖,陈文兰,光学频率精密传输实验进展与光晶格微波原子钟的考虑,原子频标物理与技术2006年第一次学术报告会, 湖北武汉, 2006.05

101. 伊林,袁杰,齐向晖,陈文兰,张志刚,陈徐宗,以I2和Rb为样品的激光频率标准与稳频飞秒光学频率梳的研制,第十二届全国量子光学学术会议,江西南昌, 2006.08

102. 王义遒、陈徐宗、扬帆、夏林、熊炜、马修泉、周小计, 从旋子玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚到多模原子激光, 第四届华人物理学家大会, 台北, 2006.06(特邀)

103. 陈徐宗、扬帆、夏林、熊炜、马修泉、周小计, 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚特性及其应用,第十二届全国量子光学学术报告会, 江西南昌, 2006.(特邀)

104. 陈徐宗、扬帆、夏林、熊炜、马修泉、周小计, 从玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚到原子激光,第十三届全国原子与分子物理学术会议, 安徽芜湖, 2006.04(特邀)

105. 陈徐宗、扬帆、夏林、熊炜、马修泉、周小计,从旋子玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚到多模原子激光,中国物理学会2006年秋季会议(CPS2006), 北京, 2006.09(特邀)

106. 陈徐宗; 杨帆; 夏林; 熊伟; 马修泉; 李俊涛; 马千里; 陈景标; 周小计; 从玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚到原子激光,中国光学学会2006年学术大会, 广东广州,2006


107. Chen Xu-Zong,Yang Fan, Xia Lin, Ma Xiu-Quan and Zhou Xiaoji,,From Bose-Einstein Condensation to Atom Laser, Workshop on Bose-Einstein Condensation, Beijing, Oct. 18.2005(Invited talk)

108. Xia Lin, Yang Fan, Ma Xiu-Quan and Zhou Xiaoji, Chen Xu-Zong,Hong Kong ,Experimental Study on Atom Laser and Bose-Einstein Condensate, International Conference on Quantum Optics, December 17-20, 2005

109. Chen, JB, Chen, XZ, Optical lattice laser,IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and Exposition, AUG 29-31, 2005.

110. 陈徐宗、扬帆、夏林、熊炜、马修泉、周小计,QUIC阱中玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚与原子激光的相关实验研究,中国物理学会2005年秋季学术会议,武汉,2005,9。

111. 周小计、扬帆、夏林、熊炜、马修泉、陈徐宗,北京大学原子激光的实现,玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚卫星会议,武汉,2005,9。

112. 陈景标; 黄凯凯; 杨东海; 陈徐宗; 小型钙束光频标的两种改进方案, 2005年全国时间频率学术交流会, 西安, 2005.

113. 扬帆、夏林、熊炜、马修泉、周小计、陈徐宗,北京大学的原子激光实验研究,中国物理学会2005年秋季学术会议,武汉,2005,9。


114. Xuzong Chen, Shuai Chen, Yang Fan, Xia Lin, Ma Xiu-Quan and Zhou Xiaoji, Observation of single and multi-components of rubidium Bose-Einstein Condensation with control of magnetic trap,Proceedings of Joint Meeting of Chinese Physicists World –Wide and International Conference on Physics education and Frontier Research , (华人物理学大会)June 28-July 1, 2004, Shanghai, Pg. 12 (Invited talk)

115. Xuzong Chen, Shuai Chen, Yang Fan, Xia Lin, Ma Xiu-Quan and Zhou Xiaoji, Observation of single and multi-components of Bose-Einstein Condensation in rubidium vapor, 6th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics, (亚太国际原子分子国际会议) September 20-23, 2004, Beijing, (invited talk)

116. Xuzong Chen, Shuai Chen, Yang Fan, Xia Lin, Ma Xiu-Quan and Zhou Xiaoji, Progress of experiments of Bose-Einstein Condensation at Peking University,International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, (ISCAP-I), (冷原子国际会议)Lushan, Jiangxi, China, July 5-7, 2004 ( Invited talk)

117. Xuzong Chen, Shuai Chen, Yang Fan, Xia Lin, Ma Xiu-Quan and Zhou Xiaoji, Observation of rubidium Bose-Einstein Condensation in single and multi-components, Proceedings of Colloque franco-Chinois: Dynamique des Atomes et des Molecules,(中法原子分子动力学会议) 13-14 Sept., 2004, Beijing China, Pg.19 (invited talk)

118. Xuzong Chen, Shuai Chen, Yang Fan, Xia Lin, Ma Xiu-Quan and Zhou Xiaoji,Enhanced effects on slow light and superluminal propagation in cesium vapor,(量子电子学国际会议),CLEO/IQEC 2004,2004,5,15-18,San Fransisco, USA(口头报告)

119. Xiaoji Zhou, Shuai Chen, Yang Fan, Xia Lin, Ma Xiu-Quan and Xuzong Chen,The Multi-component of Rubidium Bose-Einstein Condensation, ICAP,8, Brazil,2004

120. 陈徐宗,在QUIC阱中实现可控单量子态与多量子态的玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚,第12届激光物理学术报告会,2004,10,漓江(邀请报告)

121. 陈徐宗,The control of group velocity by means of incoherent pumping,香山会议“宇航科技与光障”(邀请报告),2004,12,北京

122. 陈徐宗,陈帅, 扬帆、夏林、熊炜、马修泉、周小计,“北京大学玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的实验研究进展”,量子频标与量子信息国际研讨会,2004,12,上海(邀请报告)

123. 陈帅; 周小计; 杨帆; 夏林; 马修泉; 熊炜; 王义道; 陈徐宗; 北京大学玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的实现及研究进展, 第十一届全国量子光学学术会议, 四川都江堰,2004(邀请报告)

124. 郭弘; 白艳峰; 孙辉; 韩定安; 刘成; 陈徐宗; V型系统中自发辐射相干效应对无反转粒子数激光产生条件的影响,第十一届全国量子光学学术会议, 四川都江堰,2004 (邀请报告)

125. 李路明; 彭翔; 刘成; 郭宏; 陈徐宗; 铯蒸汽中的光存储现象的研究,第十一届全国量子光学学术会议, 四川都江堰,2004(口头报告)

126. 李路明; 肖峰; 彭翔; 郭弘; 陈徐宗; 无反转放大效应(AWI)对光速减慢与负群速传播的影响,第十一届全国量子光学学术会议, 四川都江堰,2004(口头报告)

127. 夏林; 陈帅; 周小计; 杨帆; 马修泉; 熊炜; 王义道; 陈徐宗; 用吸收成像法分析玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的逃逸蒸发冷却,十一届全国量子光学学术会议, 四川都江堰,2004(口头报告)

128. 扬帆、夏林、熊炜、马修泉、周小计、陈徐宗,玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚实验中磁阱压缩过程的分析, 第11届全国量子光学会议,8月8日-10日,成都,2004

129. 夏林、扬帆、熊炜、马修泉、周小计、陈徐宗,用吸收成像法分析玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚逃逸蒸发冷却, 第11届全国量子光学会议,8月8日-10日,成都,2004

130. 陈徐宗、扬帆、夏林、熊炜、马修泉、周小计,在铷原子气体中观察到单量子态与多量子态的玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚,中国物理学会秋季会议, 10,太原,2004


1、一种提高光抽运艳束原子钟性能的激光稳频方法与光学系统,专利号:ZL 201910644955.3,发明人:专利权人: 北京大学

2、一种新型外腔半导体激光器,专利号:ZL 2020 10232761.0,发明人: 陈徐宗,齐向晖,张胤,杨仕锋,林斌,

3、一种冷原子束源,专利号:ZL201920240891.6,发明人: 谢伟滨, 陈徐宗,齐向晖,王青,贺轩,方声伟,陈楠,

4、一种相干布局数囚禁原子钟,汪中、邓科、郭涛、何定武、刘新元、刘璐、陈徐宗,申请号:200810225078.8,公开号:CN101425804, 公开日期:2009.05.06

5、一种原子钟基准频率的获取方法和原子钟,汪中、郭涛、邓科、陈徐宗,申请号:20091008110.9,公开号:CN101488753, 公开日期:2009.07.22

6、短脉冲激光超声精密测厚方法及装置,潘新宇、龚旗煌、陈徐宗,申请号: 02100479.X,申请日期:2002年2月5日,公开号:CN02100479.X, 公开日期:2003.01.02


1、国家重点研发计划项目,空间微重力环境下极低温原子的奇异物理特性研究,2021YFA0718300,微重力环境下多构型光晶格中超冷原子的量子操控和量子相变,(2022年01月-2026 年12月),750万,骨干


3、量子科技XXX中心项目,中性原子阵列量子计算系统, TG/C-000-000-CA02-2024(2024年1月-2027年12月)1000万,骨干

4、国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作研究项目,项目名称:光晶格中超冷原子气体量子动力学研究, 项目号: 11920101004,(2020.01-2024.12)215万元,主持人:陈徐宗。

5、载人航天(921)项目,项目名称:空间站超冷原子物理实验柜——实验系统,项目号:TGMTYY1001,(2015.1-2024.12) 2500万(总经费:1.2亿)。主持人:陈徐宗。

6、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点支持项目, 项目号:91736208,项目名称:超冷原子气体相变临界指数的精密测量, (2018.01-2021.12)400万元。 主持人:陈徐宗。

7、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目,项目批准号:91336103,项目名称: 获得pK温度铷原子量子气体的实验与理论研究 (2014.01-2016.12)100万,主持人:陈徐宗

8、国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(科技部973项目),基金号:2011CB921501,项目名称: “基于超冷原子、分子体系的新物态和量子仿真研究” (2011年1月1-2015年12月),经费:600万,主持人:陈徐宗

9、国家自然科学基金仪器项目:项目批准号:61027016,项目名称: “长期稳定工作的高精密半导体激光系统研究”(2011年1-2013年12月)(项目批准号:61027016),经费:180万,主持人:陈徐宗

10、 国家重点基础研究课题(科技部973项目);基金号:2005CB724503,项目名称: “超冷原子微波频标的探索”,( 2005年8月---2010年8月)(基金号:2005CB724503),经费:200万,主持人:陈徐宗

11、 国家重点基础研究发展计划(科技部973项目),基金号2006CB921401,项目名称:“三维与二维周期光场中的玻色气体的相变与强关联特性研究” (2006年12月1-2011年12月1日)经费:107万,主持人:陈徐宗

12、 国家自然科学基金重大项目:基金号:60490280,项目名称: “新一代光学频率标准物理及技术的基础研究”子项目名称“光学频率到微波频率传递的关键技术研究”(2004.7-2008.6),经费:100万,主持人:陈徐宗

13、 XXX铯原子钟项目(四期)2008年-2018年,2023-2024年,XXX项目,每期500万,共2000万,主持人:陈徐宗


《高等光电子实验》,陈徐宗、王青、齐向晖、王爱民、赖舜男, 北京大学出版社,ISBN:978-7-301-29865-7(2018.9),


2000年-2016年 中国物理学会量子光学专业委员会委员;
2003-2007年  德国海德堡大学、法国普鲁旺斯大学、巴黎高师等访问教授、客座教授;
2003-至今  国家自然科学基金委评委(面上基金、重点基金、仪器项目、海外优青、杰青等);
2004年-2018年 中国计量测试学会理事时间频率专业委员会副主任委员、中国计量测试学会理事;
2006年-2010年  教育部电子科学技术教学指导委员会委员;
2006年-2018年  英国物理学会期刊《Measurement of Science and Technology》编委;
2007年-2013年  中国物理学会饶毓泰奖评审委员会委员;
2007年-至今, 国家科技部科学技术奖评委,中科院科学技术奖评委;
2007年-2016年 《Chinese Optics Letters》编委;
2008年-至今  任英国物理学会Fellow(会士);
2010年-2018年 中国物理学会原子与分子专业委员会委员;
2019年-至今,  美国物理学会《Quantum Science》杂志副主编。